Announcement Regarding the Implementation of Procedures and Principles for Mandatory Deposit Management System Applications
According to the Procedures and Principles related to the
Mandatory Deposit Management System Applications published by the Turkish
Environmental Agency, the statement "deposited" must be included on
the packaging/labels within the process to be announced and published
separately by the Agency. However, starting from January 1, 2024, there will be
no requirement for the presence of this statement on beverage packaging to be
released to the market.
On the other hand, for new products first released to the market
after January 1, 2024 (products not present in the market before January 1,
2024), besides the inclusion of the "deposited" statement as defined
in the aforementioned Procedures and Principles, it is mandatory for these
products to meet other criteria. Products that do not meet these criteria are
prohibited from being released into the domestic market.
The official letter from the Turkish Environmental Agency
regarding this matter, dated December 29, 2023, can be accessed here.